
tiff 道路数据 在arcmap 下 不同比例尺显示有问题
dwg 数据转化的 tiff 在arcgis 里显示当缩放到一定比例尺下时 道路一部分成为虚的

李可臻 - esri 技术工程师


首先可以尝试在重建金字塔时 使用更为精细的方法  比如 三次卷积的方法 等 
美国工程师提供方法:  使用focal  stastasits  工具  设置统计值为最大值  之后显示效果会好一些  
After analyzing the tiff image it looks like these lines are only 1 pixel across which is why they cannot be displayed well when zooming out. The lines are too small for them to be displayed properly. I used the focal statistics tool with a Maximum statistics type to increase the size of the lines so they can be displayed when zooming out. I think this is the best option for displaying the tiff when zooming out. Please take a look at the attached screenshots for the difference between the focal statistics tiff and the original tiff. Let me know what you think about this option. Thanks.
