FAQ:  What is the correct way to cite an ArcGIS Online basemap?

Article ID: 42495
ArcGIS Online Current
Platforms: N/A

What is the correct way to cite an ArcGIS Online basemap?



There are several ways to cite or attribute the ArcGIS Online basemaps that are used for publication, depending on the medium of publication. For each ArcGIS Online basemap, the proper attributions for the basemaps are as follows:

To use Bing Maps as the basemap, users must adhere to
Microsoft Print Rights. The logo must not be altered, and copyright notices must be included on the map.

The following are the correct ways to cite an ArcGIS Online basemap used for publication.

ArcGIS Online basemaps used on ArcGIS Online content

When an ArcGIS Online basemap is used in ArcGIS Online content that is published, the acceptable method of attribution is by crediting the sources found in the Credits field of the item details for each ArcGIS Online map, task, or application being used. Credits should also be displayed in the lower right corner of the map or image.

ArcGIS Online basemaps used in printed material

When using an ArcGIS Online basemap in printed materials, reference the use of the basemap with a statement such as:

'Maps throughout this book were created using ArcGIS® software by Esri. ArcGIS® and ArcMap™ are the intellectual property of Esri and are used herein under license. Copyright © Esri. All rights reserved. For more information about Esri® software, please visit www.esri.com.'

ArcGIS Online basemaps used at public exhibitions

When an ArcGIS Online basemap is used in a public exhibition, the attribution is included in the lower right corner of the map or image.

In some instances, users place all attributions in an exhibit on a single ‘credit panel’ at the end of each gallery or exhibition, instead of placing attributions on each map used. As long as this credit panel is located near the maps being used, there is no need to individually attribute each map. Nevertheless, to properly cite a publication, the copyright attribution must be on or near the map or image being used.

Created: 4/28/2014

Last Modified: 5/14/2014
http://support.esri.com/en/kno ... 42495
