Error:  Field error: Field: FloorDesignator has incorrect type on table ParcelFabric_Parcels. Field type should be small integer

Article ID: 40600
ArcSDE 10.1
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.1
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard 10.1
ArcGIS for Server 10.1
Platforms: N/A

During the process of enabling the Local Government Information Model (LGIM) on an existing 10.1 SP1 parcel fabric, the following error message may be received if there is a conflict with an existing field using a different data type in the existing parcel fabric schema:

"Field error: Field: FloorDesignator has incorrect type on table ParcelFabric_Parcels.
Field type should be small integer."

Prerequisites of enabling the LGIM:

• The geodatabase must be upgraded to 10.1 SP1 using 'Upgrade Geodatabase'.
• The parcel fabric must be upgraded to 10.1 SP1 'Upgrade Dataset' tool.
• The feature dataset that the parcel fabric is contained within must be unversioned.

In the process of enabling the LGIM, a FloorDesignator field is added as an integer data type. If a FloorDesignator field already exists in the parcel fabric with a different data type (text, for example), the process fails.



Since there is a conflict in trying to create this field with a different data type, the field must be deleted to enable the LGIM on the parcel fabric. If this field is currently being used to store data, it is recommended to temporarily populate the data from this field to a newly created field using the Field Calculator, delete the FloorDesignator field and try enabling the Local Government Information Model again.

    Created: 10/8/2012

    Last Modified: 7/12/2013
    原文链接 ... 40600
