windows2008 64位下安装 ArcGIS Server9.3.1需要注意的一个问题

分享 2012-10-20
去年有一次给客户实施ArcGIS Server9.3.1,到了客户现场发现客户服务器装的操作系统是Windows2008 64位的,系统无法正常安装部署,查了一下资料,需要把Windows2008 64位的IIS开启32位程序支持,微软网站上的帮助是:

Enable 32-bit Server Applications on 64-bitMachines

ASP.NET applications that use TX TextControl .NET Server must be compiled for 32-bit platforms (see this article).IIS must be configured to execute these 32-bit applications. Generally, allapplications will be executed in 64-bit mode.

1. Enable IIS”s 32-bit support // 开启IIS32位支持

Open a command prompt and type in thefollowing command: //在命令行中输入以下命令

cscript.%SYSTEMDRIVE%inetpubadminscriptsadsutil.vbs SETW3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1

This command enables the 32-bit mode inIIS.

2. Install the IIS 32-bit extensions//安装iis32为扩展

Open a command prompt and type thefollowing command:// //在命令行中输入以下命令


This command installs the 32-bit webextensions for .NET Framework 2.0.

3. Activate .NET Framework 2.0 32-bit inIIS //在iis中激活.NETFramework 2.0 32模式

In the IIS-Manager, select the “ASP.NETv2.0.50727 (32bit)” in the “Web Service Extensions” panel and check “allow” toactivate it.//在IIS管理器中Web Service Extensions”面板中选择“ASP.NET v2.0.50727 (32bit)” 后点击确定。

4. Restart the IIS by opening a commandprompt://重启iis


按照以上方法处理后,ArcGISServer9.3.1在Windows2008 64位操作系统上顺利安装。

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